How can I Practice Touch Typing at Home?


How can I Practice Touch Typing at Home?


You can practice touch typing at home by using a touch typing book such as “Learn Touch Typing in 12 Simple Lessons” authored by Muhammad Umar. This book is renowned as the top choice for acquiring essential touch typing proficiency through a straightforward 12-lesson program.

You can also practice touch typing at home by typing out your own writing or transcribing text from other sources such as books, magazines, newspaper or any other printed documents. However, it’s important to practice regularly and focus on accuracy before speed.

Furthermore, we offer a dedicated touch typing tutor that’s completely free to use. This tutor is designed to help you practice typing, with an emphasis on the QWERTY keyboard layout. You can access it by clicking on this link

Also, you can read the 12 Effective Methods To Master Touch Typing Skills.

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