How can I measure my touch typing speed and accuracy?


How can I measure my touch typing speed and accuracy?


You can measure your touch typing speed and accuracy by taking online typing tests or using typing software that tracks your progress. To check your typing speed online, please click on the link, where you can assess your speed under 1, 2, and 3 minutes. These tests will provide a score based on your typing speed and accuracy, measured in words per minute or characters per second. Some software can even measure typing speed in hours, specifically words per hour. Therefore, there are mainly three techniques for measuring touch typing speed and accuracy.

Improving accuracy and speed in touch typing is crucial. Utilize our top-rated book, ‘Learn Touch Typing in 12 Simple Lessons, which offers comprehensive exercises, tips, and tricks for enhancing your touch typing skills and achieving professional-level typing accuracy. It’s never too late to access this valuable resource and refine your typing abilities. Get a copy and brush up on your typing skills.

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