What are the Easiest Keys on the QWERTY Keyboard

Today’s post is dedicated to the easiest keys on the QWERTY Keyboard . In addition to this, we will discuss how to leverage these easy keys to enhance your touch typing skills. We’ve compiled seven distinct techniques to harness the simplicity of these keys for mastering keyboarding skills.

What are the Easiest Keys on the QWERTY Keyboard

And How to Use Them to Learn Touch Typing

The Easiest Keys on the QWERTY Keyboard

The easiest keys on the QWERTY Keyboard are the home row keys, specifically A, S, D, F for the left hand and J, K, L, ;  for the right hand. These keys create a foundation where touch typists consistently place their fingers. From this position, touch typists move their fingers up or down to press keys accordingly.

In addition to the Home Row Keys, the Spacebar, Shift, and Enter keys are also conveniently placed and easy to use. Notably, the Spacebar is the longest key on most keyboards.

Learning Touch Typing Using Home Row Keys

Now that we’ve identified the easiest keys on the QWERTY Keyboard, let’s explore strategies to enhance your touch typing skills. The following sections will provide valuable insights on how to use home row keys to learn and master keyboarding skills.

1. Home Row Keys as the Foundation

The Home Row Keys serve as starting points for learning and mastering touch typing skills. Always position your fingers on these keys and move them to the top row or bottom row to type letters from these respective rows. 

2. Create Mnemonic Associations

Form mental connections between the home keys and neighboring keys. For instance, associate Q and Z with the home key A to create the pattern “QAZ,” reminiscent of a goose or someone who is easy to swindle or con. You can similarly establish associations between non-home keys, such as U and M, with the home key J to form the pattern “JUM,” evoking “jump.” Likewise, the K, I, and M keys can create the word “KIM,” which in Korean means Gold, iron, or metal. By finding these associations and patterns, you can create mind maps and virtual connections between keys, facilitating the learning and mastery of touch typing skills.

3. Utilize the F and J Key Bumps:

The raised bumps on the F and J keys act as tactile guides, helping you locate other keys on the keyboard. Firmly placing your index fingers on J and F provides a reliable anchor for efficient navigation. To learn more about how to place your fingers on the keyboard, head over to our article,  Fingers on keys

4. Custom-Designed Keyboards

Consider using custom-designed keyboards that emphasize the home row keys. These keyboards physically distinguish the home row from other keys, streamlining the learning process.

Home Row Keys Highlighted

5. Mnemonic Phrases and Stories

Develop mnemonic phrases or stories to reinforce your memory of home row key positions in relation to other non-home keys. For example, “DEC” can be remembered as “Delightful Elephants Care,” and HYB can be memorized as “Hungry Yet Balanced” for easy recall.

6. Color-Coded Keyboards

Opt for color-coded keyboards where home row keys are distinctly highlighted. These visual cues will help you keep your fingers on the home keys, enhancing your memory of key locations, especially if you are a visual learner. Here is a handcrafted Color-coded Keyboard from AbleNet. 

7. Cover Non-Home Keys and Practice

Conceal non-home keys and practice with the home row keys. This exercise aids in building muscle memory, helping you remember key positions more effectively. Here is a hand-picked keyboard with blank keycaps to enhance learning touch typing. 


In summary, this article has thoroughly explored the easiest keys on the QWERTY keyboard and provided strategies to master touch typing skills. The home row keys, encompassing A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, and the semicolon (;), serve as ideal starting points. You can use these keys as the foundation for learning touch typing and enhance your proficiency through mnemonic associations, tactile guidance, custom keyboards, mnemonic phrases, color-coded aids, and focused practice. With dedication and practice, you can become a skilled touch typist in a matter of weeks.

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