Home and Top Rows Words

Home and Top Rows Words

Today’s article is dedicated to Home and Top rows Words. The Home row, also known as the middle row, contains the letters a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k,  and l.  While, the row of keys just above the Home row is called Top row which includes the q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o,  and p keys. 

Interestingly, on a standard keyboard, middle and top rows are the most widely used for typing words. There are about 12,339 words that can be typed by using home and top rows. Home and top rows words are given in the table below. 

10,740 Words with Home and Top Rows

The row on which fingers rest is called the home row that contains the letters a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l. It is also known as the middle row. The row just above the home row with letters q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o, and p is referred to as top. When combined, Home and Top rows can type the longest word Fistulography
, which is a noun. According to Oxford Reference, it means ” imaging of a fistula.” 

Here is the list of the 12,339 words that can be typed using only Home and Top rows keys. Try typing these words to practice the home and top row keys. 

Note: Please be patient, the table may takes a while to load. 

You can also practice these words online by visiting our touch typing app at https://typing12.com/practice.

After visiting the above link, click on the “Home & Top Rows Words”  from sidebar under Typing Lessons section as shown in the figure below. 

Now you can type the words shown in the text area.  


In this, we have tabulated 10,740 words that can be typed using only Home and Top Rows keys.

The longest word that can be typed with the these two rows is farsightedly which to see or able to see from a distance.”.

To practice these words  online, visit Typing12.com/practice. and click on the “Home & Top Rows Words”  from the sidebar. 

Our book, Learn Touch Typing in 12 Simple Lessons, provides more tips and tricks to learn and improve touch typing skills. Get your copy here, to brush up on your typing skills. 

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