Irritation or Discomfort When Typing

Do you Feel Irritation or Discomfort When Typing on a Keyboard?

In this blog post, we’ll share tips for managing irritation or discomfort when typing on a keyboard. If you experience pain or discomfort when typing on a keyboard, it is essential to take measures to prevent further damage. There are a few things that can cause keyboard-related pain

  • The position of your hands while typing
  • The way you type (i.e. how hard you press the keys)
  • The kind of keyboard you are using

Take Steps to Correct Potential Causes

To avoid pain, irritation or discomfort when typing, it is important to be aware of these potential causes and take steps to correct them. For example, if you find that your hands start to hurt after typing for a long period of time, try to take breaks frequently and stretch your fingers. If you think that the way you are typing is causing the pain, try to lighten up your touch on the keys. And finally, if you think your keyboard may be the culprit, consider investing in an ergonomic keyboard that will put your hands in a more natural position.

Use Touch Typing

Touch typing can help eliminate or decrease irritation or discomfort when typing. Touch typing is a technique in which you use your sense of touch to find the correct keys on the keyboard, instead of looking at the keys. This can help you to type more quickly and accurately, and can also help to reduce the amount of strain on your eyes. To learn how to touch type, read the following blogs. 

  1. 3 Ways To Learn Touch typing
  2. 15 Ways To Improve Your Typing Skills For Office
  3. How To Type Like A Pro: 10 Tips That Will Make You A Fast Typist
  4. You Must Be Prepared: 6 Tips For Touch Typing Before Starting

Change Your Keyboard

If you’re someone who experiences irritation or discomfort when typing on a keyboard, there are some things you can do to try and mitigate the issue.

One is to simply change the keyboard you’re using. Here is a list of the top keyboards for typing. If you’re used to a standard keyboard, switching to an ergonomic one can make a big difference. Ergonomic keyboards are designed to be more comfortable to type on, and can help reduce strain on your hands and wrists.

Another option is to adjust the settings on your existing keyboard. Many keyboards have settings that allow you to change the angle at which they sit, as well as the height of the keys. Experimenting with these settings can help you find a position that’s more comfortable for you.

Finally, it’s important to make sure that your workstation is set up correctly. Your chair should be at the right height so that your wrists are in a neutral position when typing. The keyboard should also be positioned so that it’s slightly below elbow level. Taking the time to set up your workspace correctly can help reduce irritation or discomfort when typing and improve your overall typing experience.

Typing Something of Your Interest

Typing something of your interest can be a great way to create interest in typing and reduce irritation or discomfort when typing. By finding something you enjoy reading or writing about, you can help yourself become more interested and motivated to practice your typing skills.

One great way to find interesting text to type is by looking for books you enjoy reading. If you find a book that you really enjoy, you can use it as material to help improve your typing skills. Simply by reading the text aloud as you type it, you can help increase your speed and accuracy.

Another option for finding interesting text to type is by looking online for articles or stories that interest you. There are many websites that offer free articles and stories that you can use to practice your typing. Simply find an article or story that interests you, and then start practicing your typing skills by typing it out.

If you are using a typing tutor program, such as, you can also import custom text into the app in order to practice your typing with material that interests you. This is a great way to make sure that you are motivated and interested in what you are typing, as well as avoiding irritation or discomfort when typing.

Take Regular Break

If you find yourself feeling irritation or discomfort when typing on a keyboard, it is important to take regular breaks. Taking short breaks throughout the day can help reduce strain on your hands and wrists and can also help improve your overall typing speed and accuracy.

There are a few things you can do during your break to help reduce discomfort. First, make sure you are sitting up straight and not hunched over the keyboard. Second, take a few seconds to stretch your hands and fingers. You can also massage your wrists gently to help relieve any tension. Finally, be sure to take a few deep breaths and relax your shoulders.

Type on a Regular Basis

If you experience pain, irritation or discomfort when typing on a keyboard, taking regular breaks is yet another way to increase your dexterity and improve your overall typing technique. Additionally, be sure to use a comfortable keyboard that is the appropriate size for your hands. If you find that you are still experiencing pain when typing, consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action.

When irritation or discomfort starts leave the keyboard immediately

If you start to feel any irritation or discomfort when typing on a keyboard, it’s important to take a break immediately. Continuing to type when your body is telling you to stop can lead to serious injuries that can permanently damage your hands and wrists.

When you first start feeling discomfort, try to take a few minutes to rest your hands and wrists. If the pain doesn’t go away after a short break, then it’s time to stop typing and take some extended time off. 

Play Typing Games & Take Typing Speed

Typing games and typing speed tests can help reduce irritation or discomfort when typing by improving your typing speed and accuracy. These games often have a variety of levels and challenges that can help you practice different typing techniques and become more comfortable and proficient at typing. In addition to improving your typing skills, playing typing games can also increase motivation and interest towards typing, making it feel less like a chore and more like a fun and enjoyable activity. Overall, playing typing games can be a helpful and enjoyable way to reduce irritation or discomfort when typing and improve your overall typing skills.


If you experience discomfort or irritation when typing on a keyboard, it is important to consult with a medical professional to rule out any serious underlying conditions. However, there are some simple steps that you can take to improve your comfort while typing.

First, make sure that your keyboard is at the correct height. If your keyboard is too low or too high, it can cause strain on your wrists and arms. Second, take breaks often to stretch your hands and fingers. And finally, try using an ergonomic keyboard to reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries.

Improve your typing skills and reduce discomfort or irritation when typing with our Learn Touch Typing in 12 Simple Lessons book. In just a few short lessons, you’ll master touch typing and improve your speed and accuracy. Additionally, consider using an ergonomic keyboard, taking breaks to stretch your hands and fingers, and ensuring your keyboard is at the correct height to reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries.

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