You Must Be Prepared: 6 Tips For Touch Typing Before Starting

You Must Be Prepared: 6 Tips For Touch Typing Before Starting

In this article, you’ll learn 6 tips for touch typing before starting. Touch typing is a skill many of us take for granted, but it’s something we should work on before we start using a keyboard – especially an unfamiliar one. Here are six things you can start doing today to get yourself prepared.

What is touch typing?

Touch typing is a method of typing where the user keeps their fingers on the home row keys and uses muscle memory to type words. This method is faster and more accurate than hunt-and-peck typing, which is where the user looks at the keyboard and types one letter at a time. If you want to learn more about touch typing you can jump to the article Introduction to Touch Typing

What are the benefits of touch typing?

There are many benefits of touch typing, including:

1. Increased productivity and efficiency – When you can touch type, you can type much faster than if you were using a traditional keyboard. This can be a big help if you need to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time.

2. Improved accuracy – With practice, your fingers will learn where all the keys are on the keyboard. This means that you’ll make fewer mistakes when touch typing than when using a traditional keyboard.

3. Reduced strain on your hands and wrists – Touch typing helps to reduce strain on your hands and wrists because you don’t have to reach for the keys as much. This can be especially helpful if you have problems with carpal tunnel syndrome or other hand/wrist issues.

4. Touch typing is more accurate than hunt-and-peck typing – Another important benefit of touch typing is that it is much more accurate than hunt-and-peck typing. This is because when you touch type, you use all your fingers, so you are less likely to make mistakes. This is important not only for your own accuracy, but also for the accuracy of the documents you are creating.

5. Ergonomic benefits – Touch typing also has some ergonomic benefits. When you touch type, you keep your hands and wrists in a neutral position, which helps to avoid pain and injuries. In contrast, hunt-and-peck typing can put a lot of strain on your hands and wrists.

6. Touch Typing simply looks better than hunt-and-peck – Finally, touch typing simply looks better than hunt-and-peck typing. If you are creating a document for work or school, it will reflect poorly on you if your typed document is full of errors. But if you touch type, your document will look clean and professional.

6 Tips for Touch Typing Before Starting

1. Comfortable Position

Before you start touch typing, it is important to ensure that you are in a comfortable position. Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and your wrists and hands in a neutral position. Avoid touching your face or neck while typing. It is also important to have the correct posture when touch typing. Make sure that your elbows are at a 90-degree angle and that your hands are positioned slightly above the keyboard. This will help to avoid strain on your wrists and arms. The article, Positioning Yourself for  Touch Typing gives you more details how to position yourself for touch typing. 

2. Environment Temperature

Before starting to type, make sure your environment and hands are not too cold or hot. During the wintertime, bare hands and fingers are exposed to cold wind and can get colder than any other part of the body. If your fingers are cold, it could make typing hard. But you can easily warm your fingers up before a touch typing by wearing gloves and rubbing them together. You can also put your hands in warm places like under your armpits or next to a heater or oven. 

When it’s hot outside, the last thing you want to do is sit in front of a computer with your fingers on a keyboard. But if you’re touch typing, it’s important to keep your fingers cool so you can type more quickly and accurately. Here are some tips for keeping your fingers cool and comfortable while touch typing:

Use a fan: A small handheld fan can help keep your fingers cool while you type.

Keep a towel nearby: If your hands start to sweat, dry them off with a towel. This will help keep your fingers from slipping on the keys.

Wear light clothing: Wearing light, breathable clothing will help keep your body temperature down and prevent sweating. 

By following these tips, you can keep your fingers cool and comfortable while touch typing, even in the summer heat.

3. Functioning Keyboard

It is vital to make sure that all keys are functioning properly on your keyboard, and that there are no keys missing or mistyping. Additionally, you should check for any keys which stick or are hard to press. The simplest way to perform a keyboard checkup is to type out a short paragraph or sentence. This will help you identify any keys which are not working correctly, or which are difficult to press. If you encounter any problems, be sure to clean your keyboard and try again.  Otherwise, you can also buy a keyboard for touch typing here.  

4. Correct Placement of Fingers

When starting out, it is best to practice touch typing with just one hand at a time. This will help you to get a feel for the correct placement of your fingers on the keys. Once you have mastered this, you can start using both hands simultaneously. You can learn more about key placement on keyboard in the article Fingers on keys.

5. Slow Down Typing Speed for a While

When you first start to touch type, it is inevitable that you will make some mistakes and your fingers will feel “sticky” as you become accustomed to the new skill. Rather than getting frustrated, simply slow down your typing speed for a short while and allow your fingers to relax. Once you have regained your composure, you can then increase your speed and accuracy.

6. Take Regular Breaks

If you want to improve your touch typing speed, you should start by taking regular breaks. You can use this time to move your fingers around and loosen them up. You can also increase the circulation in your hands by taking a break. This will help to avoid strain on your muscles and joints. If you start to feel pain, stop typing and rest for a few minutes before resuming again.


If you’re thinking about starting to touch type, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to be prepared before you start.  Here are six tips to help you get started:

1. Comfortable Position

For a comfortable position, sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and your wrists and hands in a neutral position. Avoid touching your face or neck while typing.

2. Environment Temperature

Before starting to type, make sure your environment and hands are not too cold or hot. You can easily warm your fingers up before touch typing by wearing gloves, rubbing them together and putting hands in warm places. Similarly, in summer, keeping your fingers cool can help you type more quickly and accurately. For a seamless typing experience, keep your fingers and hands free from sweat. 

3. Functioning Keyboard

Make sure that all keys are functioning properly on your keyboard, and that there are no keys missing or mistyping. If not, go ahead and clean it using a soft cloth or you can order a brand-new keyboard for touch typing here.  

4. Correct Placement of Fingers

Take some time to learn proper finger placement. This is one of the most important aspects of touch typing, so it’s worth taking the time to learn where each finger goes before getting started. 

5. Slow Down Speed for a While

If your fingers get sticky while you’re typing, it can be really frustrating. The best thing to do is to slow down for a while and relax your fingers. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to type faster and more easily.

6. Take Regular Breaks

Make sure to take breaks often when touch typing. This will help to avoid strain on your muscles and joints. If you start to feel pain, stop typing and rest for a few minutes before resuming again.

If you’re looking to improve your typing skills without using any software, Learn Touch Typing in 12 Simple Lessons is for you. In just 12 simple lessons, we’ll show you how to master touch typing. With quick reference charts and practice sheets, you’ll be a pro in no time!

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1 year ago

You just made my day, hurray for

Last edited 11 months ago by Md. U